Prerequisite Task 1:

You are given two array $A$ and $B$ of length $n$.

For each $j$ ($0\le j \le n-1$) print $\sum_{i=0}^{j-1}{[A_{i}=B_{j}]}$

In other words, for each $j$($0\le j \le n-1$) print number of index $i$(i<j) where $B_j=A_i$


map<int, int> cnt;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
	cout << cnt[B[j]] << '\n';

Prerequisite Task 2:

Same as task 1, just find $\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}{\sum_{i=0}^{j-1}{[A_{i}=B_{j}]}}$

In other words, number of pair $(i,j)$ where $i<j$ and $B_j=A_i$

long long ans = 0;
map<int, int> cnt;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
	ans += cnt[B[j]];
cout << ans << '\n';

Prerequisite Task 3:

Same as task 2, just find $\sum_{j=l_B}^{r_B}{\sum_{i=l_A}^{r_A}{[A_{i}=B_{j}][i<j]}}$

In other words, number of pair $(i,j)$ where $i<j$ , $i\in [l_A,r_A]$ and $j\in [l_B,r_B]$ and $B_j=A_i$

long long ans = 0;
map<int, int> cnt;
for (int j = min(la, lb); j <= rb; j++) {
    if (lb <= j && j <= rb)ans += cnt[B[j]];
    if (la <= j && j <= ra)cnt[A[j]]++;
cout << ans << '\n';

Problem 1 - Codeforces 1520 D(Same Differences) :

You are given an array $a$ of $n$ integers. Count the number of pairs of indices $(i,j)$ such that $i<j$ and $a_j−a_i=j−i$.


\begin{align} a_j - a_i &= j-i\newline a_j - j &= a_i - i \end{align}

Now, if we compare this with our task 2, then $B_j=a_j-j$ and $A_i = a_i - i$

Hence our solution will be:

Problem 2 - Toph (Adorable String <3)

Let’s call a string adorable if its number of consonant(s) is 1 more then its number of vowel(s).

Find the number of adorable substring of a given string

Suppose the given string is a $n$ length string , $s$[1 based indexing].

Let’s define some function.

  • $s[l,r] = \text{ substring of $s$ from $l$ to $r$ index(both inclusive)}$

  • $V(i) = \text{ number of vowel in $s[1,i]$}$

  • $C(i) = \text{ number of consonant in $s[1,i]$}$

  • $V(l,r) = V(r)-V(l-1) = \text{ number of vowel in $s[l,r]$}$

  • $C(l,r) = C(r)-C(l-1) = \text{ number of consonant in $s[l,r]$}$

Hence, we can get these equations for $s[l+1,r]$:

  • $V(l+1,r) + C(l+1,r) = r-l$ [total length of s[l+1,r] equal to number of vowel + number of consonant]

  • $V(l+1,r) +1 = C(l+1,r)$ [if $s[l+1,r]$ is adorable]

Solving the both equation we can get: \begin{align} 2V(l+1,r) +1 &=r-l\newline 2(V(r)-V(l))+1 &= r-l\newline 2V(r)-2V(l)+1 &=r-l\newline 2V(r)-r+1&=2V(l)-l \end{align}

Now if we convert this problem in our task 3, $B_{r} = 2V(r)-r+1$ and $A_{l}=2V(l)-l$ and $A_{0} = 0$ here $l \in [0,n-1]$ and $r \in [1,n]$

Hence, our code will be :


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